how to create a digital vision board

pst… I’ve included a free vision board template at the bottom of this blog so make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom!

One of my favorite traditions for a new year (or anytime of year) is creating a mood or vision board. Visualizing, and getting down on paper, your goals and dreams is a small habit you can start today.

So often, we think about our goals, even dream about them. We’ll tell someone else our goal. But when it comes to implementing, we wonder why nothing sticks. We get to the end of the year and wonder if we’ve accomplished anything we set out to.

The reason goal setting is difficult? The goals we set are either too big (i.e. overwhelming) or too vague.

What would it mean to you to get to the end of your year, look back, and realize you’ve made significant progress toward the specific goals you set that align with your values and matter most to you?

Know this: A vision is only dream unless it’s made a reality. That takes effort, intention, and work. And it takes breaking big goals down into small, achievable goals.

At the start of each year, I set a tradition with myself to set intentions and goals for the year ahead. Using my Cultivate What Matters Powersheets (a goal planner I’ve used and recommended for several years now), I break my goals down into smaller, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals and habits. In the past, I always skipped the section in the Powersheets where you create a vision board… it felt intimidating and inconvenient. In 2024, I’ve made it simple to create an aesthetically pleasing, digital vision board that can be downloaded as a wallpaper for my computer, phone lock screen, and even printed out.

Why a Vision Board?

Vision boards and vision casting are popular tools used in personal development and goal-setting. Here are some benefits associated with these practices:

  • Clarity of Goals: Creating a vision board requires you to visually represent your goals. This process helps in clarifying and defining what you truly want to achieve. When you have a clear image of your goals, it becomes easier to work towards them. Keep your vision board somewhere where you’ll see it as a daily reminder of what you’re working toward.

  • Visualization: Visualization is a powerful technique where you mentally picture yourself achieving your goals. By regularly looking at your vision board, you engage in a form of visualization, reinforcing positive images and feelings associated with your goals. This can enhance your belief in your ability to achieve those goals.

  • Motivation and Inspiration: Vision boards serve as a visual reminder of your aspirations. When you see images and words that represent your goals regularly, it can motivate and inspire you to take consistent action towards achieving them.

  • Focus and Direction: Vision casting involves not just creating a board but also setting a clear intention and direction for your life based on your values. This process helps you prioritize your goals and focus on what truly matters to you, reducing distractions and fostering a sense of purpose.

  • Positive Mindset: The process of creating a vision board encourages a positive and optimistic mindset. It shifts your focus from potential obstacles to the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead. This positive outlook can contribute to resilience in the face of challenges.

  • Increased Confidence: As you see progress towards your goals, your confidence grows. Regularly casting your vision and achieving smaller milestones along the way can boost your self-esteem and belief in your capabilities. Little by little, you’re on your way!

  • Accountability: Sharing your vision board or goals with others can create a sense of accountability. When people know what you are working towards, it can encourage you to stay committed and on track.

  • Alignment with Values: Vision casting often involves reflecting on your core values and aligning your goals with them. This alignment can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

  • Effective Goal Setting: Creating a vision board and casting your vision involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This structured approach to goal-setting increases the likelihood of success.

Goal Setting Tips

After creating my 2024 vision board, I created a template for you to create your own aesthetically pleasing, digital vision board (scroll down to download it and start creating). I’ve also included a few tips so you can be sure your vision board aligns with your values:

  • Write down a list of what fires you up to uncover your unique passions and desires.

  • Keep this list somewhere you know you’ see it.

  • Journal about the things in your life that will have mattered and that won’t have mattered many years from now as you reflect back on your life.

  • Make decisions on where you want to spend your time. What do you need to say yes and no to.

  • Brainstorm 3-10 goals for the year based on what matters most and where you want to spend your time and efforts.

  • Use these goals to create your vision board. Use words, images, or quotes to connect with each of your goals and passions.

I can’t wait to see your vision board come to life!


Create Your Own Vision Board - FREE TEMPLATE


Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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