how to get organized (with your time and values)

Life systems are kind of my thing.

 I listen to leadership podcasts and read almost exclusively on “how to get more done in less time” and (spoiler) I still feel behind most the time. You're not alone in that feeling. 

There are a few things about systems, discipline, and habits that I love though. When my days are structured and organized, I find myself feeling less hurried and anxious. I find myself feeling less overwhelmed. I find myself less willing to people-please or say “yes” when I'd rather say “no”. There's something about feeling aligned and in-flow with the right things that keeps me geeked about systems and discipline.

This week, my latest interview with Dr. Kristin Oja, DNP, Founder of STAT Wellness, went live on the Little By podcast. I enjoyed chatting all things high functioning anxiety with Kristin on the podcast a few years ago (Give that one a listen!). But this week's conversation was unlike any I've had on podcasts in the past. We didn't talk much about anxiety or perfectionism or mental health, but we talked about the nitty gritty of systems, creating breathing room, getting organized (mainly with your time), aligning with your values (i.e. what matters most), and slowing down all while performing at your highest levels. What matters most to me is being present where my feet are. We talk about all of this and more in the podcast episode.

I've written a lot about anxiety-busting life systems and slowing down. I know what matters most is focusing on the things right in front of me, and yet it's challenging to feel unhurried and slow in our fast-paced world.

We need the encouragement from time to time that we don't have to do it all and we don't have to have it all together. We can take it day by day, little by little.

I share in the conversation with Kristin that I haven't always been this way – disciplined and structured. Little by little, small habits have added up over time. I've been on this journey for close to a decade.

My hope for you is that you'll chose to live intentionally, going through your days and weeks with purpose and direction. We could easily rush from one thing to the next and feel exhausted at the end of the day/week from saying “yes” to everyone and everything that pulls at our attention. Or we can say “yes” to ourselves and what matters most.

I hope you'll give the interview a listen and shoot me a message of what you think, how you're applying the tips provided, or what additional questions you have. Can't wait to hear from you soon! Happy listening. 


From the Show Notes:

In this episode, we discuss tips and tricks to stay organized as a Mom and business owner! Dr. Nicole shares strategies to quiet the noise and find more internal stillness.

Meet Dr. Nicole Thaxton:
Nicole Thaxton, PhD, LPC, NCC, CPCS, has one goal in life – to help people live life well. She is a Board Certified, Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia, Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor, and the Founder of Atlanta Wellness Collective, a holistic mental health practice located in Roswell, Marietta, and Acworth, GA. She counsels high achieving individuals and families experiencing anxiety and stress, grief and loss, and relational issues. She is a communicator, leader, trainer, and writer with a big heart for other anxious achievers. Her weekly blog and newsletter share helpful tools for leaders who experience anxiety. She is married to a fellow counselor, has two daughters, and lives in Marietta, GA.

Stay connected online: and
Instagram: @cocothax and @atlwell
Top Book Recommendations from the Episode

Thanks for reading! Want more writings and resources? 

Here are a few blog posts you might enjoy:

001. Read me if you want coping skills

002. Read me if you're struggling with anxiety

003. Read me when your inner mean girl is loud

004. Join the weekly newsletter for resources, essays, and encouragement.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Although I’m a mental health professional, no content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies or treatment recommendations.

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