anxiety + benefits

Yesterday, anxiety helped me in a big way when I was caught in a bad situation at the grocery store. If you saw my Instagram Story, you'll know what I'm referencing. No need to share more about it. It was terrifying.

 I'll simply say: It's odd being an anxiety expert and experiencing the fight-or-flight in real time. I'm very thankful for the fight-or-flight.

This got me thinking about all the reasons that anxiety is a very very good thing. All the benefits of anxiety and nervousness. You see, many clients who experience anxiety will often repeat a very similar version of these same phrases, “When will my anxiety go away?” or “How do I get rid of anxiety?” I've come to expect this question in therapy.

However, getting rid of your feelings is not the goal. Debilitating symptoms, yes. Sure. But not anxiety as a whole.


Benefit #1 of Anxiety: Anxiety is a warning sign.

According to Dr. Katharina Star, PhD: “Anxiety may be just the warning sign you need to bring awareness to your current situation and make some necessary changes in your life. Recurrent worry and nervousness can be an indication that some areas of your life are off track and need adjusting.” In an unhealthy relationship, a bad work environment, your anxiety and stress may be communicating to you. In a dangerous situation, this warning sign could save your life. The next time anxiety strikes, consider what message it has for you and the possible adjustments you may need to make in your life.


Benefit #2 of Anxiety: Anxiety is a motivator.

Anxiety may actually help you feel more motivated and prepared to face challenges. Research friends, look up the Yerkes-Dodson Theory. Research has also shown that students and athletes who experienced some anxiety actually displayed improved performance on tests or while participating in competitive sports (Hardy & Hutchinson, 2007). This was me in high school! 


Benefit #3 of Anxiety: Anxiety is a positive character trait in friendship.

People who have dealt with anxiety may be more empathetic and understanding to the issues that others face (Tibi-Elhanany, 2011). It's been shown that people with anxiety are more concerned about how they interact with others. As you can imagine, this can go too far in the way of people pleasing and co-dependency, but we'll save those for another Club meeting.


Benefit #4 of Anxiety: Anxiety is a positive character trait for leadership.

People who experience anxiety may also be skilled in leadership roles. This could be related to taking careful consideration of the possibility of multiple outcomes. For example, anxiety leads to a heightened awareness of what could potentially go wrong, leading to more cautious thinking, careful decision making, and great problem solving. Personally, I used to feel anxious around authority figures, leading me to become an entrepreneur/leader myself. Avoidance..or genius??


I want to point out that anxiety can be a major hinderance in your life depending on the severity of your symptoms. Every one is unique. I hope you're able to take note of the positive ways that anxiety can benefit you. The goal isn't “no anxiety.”


healing + hard things


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